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Runes of Jón Guðmundsson lærði. Rúnalist Jóns lærða

Фото автора: Леонид КораблевЛеонид Кораблев

Обновлено: 24 сент. 2024 г.


Leonid L. Korablev

‘Runes of Jón Guðmundsson lærði. Rúnalist Jóns lærða’

[The draft\uppkast\ for my article]


Jón Guðmundsson lærði (1574-1658) was the famous runologist from the common people of Iceland who did not get a formal school education. By now many works of Jón lærði have been published, and the great treatise of his ‘Tíðfordríf’ is still waiting its time of publication. The great work with it has been made by Prof. Einar Gunnar Pétursson (further = EGP). And now we can glean the important information on runes from works of Jón lærði as in published so in unpublished MSS.

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